Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why are they endangered? How does this affect us?

This species prefers mature tropical forests and will seldom venture into disturbed habitats. With the rate of deforestation and destruction of tropical rainforests, the black spider monkeys are losing their habitats. In addition, spider monkeys are heavily hunted because of their large size and because of their rather slow breeding (a female generally only has one offspring every 4 years), they are unable to keep their numbers up. They are considered the first of the primates to suffer from hunting pressure and logging and other forms of degradation of the tropical forests where they live.
Credit: Nick Gordon
The black spider monkey play an essential role in the tropical rainforest ecosystem. They disperse seeds, which allow their environment to continue to grow even with the damage that humans are causing. As we continue to ruin so many species' habitats by deforestation, this species is working to rebuild it.
Black spider monkeys are important seed dispersers for various tree species.
Black spider monkeys are important seed dispersers for various tree species.

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